Function add

  • Add new route.


    • options: RouteAddOptions

      Parameters options to be passed down to ip.

    • globalOptions: GlobalOptions = {}

      Global parameters options that affects the command execution.

    Returns Promise<Command<RouteAddOptions>>


    ParametersError - Throws when passed parameters are invalid.


    CommandError - Throws when the executed command fails.


    Import module

    import { route } from 'iproute';

    Unicast type route (the default if not specified)

    await route.add({
    to: '',
    via: {
    address: ''

    Multipath route with load balance between devices

    await route.add({
    to: 'default',
    scope: AddressScopes.Global,
    nexthops: [{
    nexthop: true,
    dev: 'ppp0'
    nexthop: true,
    dev: 'ppp1'

    A NAT route

    await route.add({
    type: RoutingTableTypes.Nat,
    to: '',
    table: 300,
    via: {
    address: ''

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