Interface AddressFlushOptions

Address flush options.


  • AddressFlushOptions


-dadfailed?: true

(IPv6 only) only list addresses which have not failed duplicate address detection.

-deprecated?: true

(IPv6 only) only list addresses not being deprecated.

-dynamic?: true
-permanent?: true
-primary?: true

This is an alias for temporary or secondary.

-secondary?: true

Aliases for primary.



-temporary?: true
-tentative?: true

Aliases for primary.



autojoin?: true
dadfailed?: true

(IPv6 only) only list addresses which have failed duplicate address detection.

deprecated?: true

(IPv6 only) only list deprecated addresses.

dev?: string

The name of the device to match the address from.

dynamic?: true
home?: true
label?: string

Only list addresses with labels matching the PATTERN. PATTERN is a usual shell style pattern.

metric?: number

Priority of prefix route associated with address.

mngtmpaddr?: true
nodad?: true
noprefixroute?: true
optimistic?: true
permanent?: true

(IPv6 only) only list addresses installed due to stateless address configuration or only list permanent (not dynamic) addresses.

These two flags are inverses of each other, so -dynamic is equal to permanent and -permanent is equal to dynamic.

primary?: true

List only primary addresses, in IPv6 exclude temporary ones. This flag is the inverse of temporary and secondary.

scope?: number | AddressScopes

The scope of the area where this address is valid. The available scopes are listed in file /etc/iproute2/rt_scopes.

secondary?: true
temporary?: true

List temporary IPv6 or secondary IPv4 addresses only. The Linux kernel shares a single bit for those, so they are actually aliases for each other although the meaning differs depending on address family.

tentative?: true

(IPv6 only) only list addresses which have not yet passed duplicate address detection.

to?: string

Only affect addresses matching this prefix.

up?: true

Matches addresses of running interfaces.

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