Interface AddLinkBridgeTypeArgs

Add link bridge type arguments.


  • AddLinkBridgeTypeArgs


ageing_time?: number

Configure the bridge's FDB entries ageing time, ie the number of seconds a MAC address will be kept in the FDB after a packet has been received from that address.

After this time has passed, entries are cleaned up.

forward_delay?: number

Set the forwarding delay in seconds, ie the time spent in LISTENING state (before moving to LEARNING) and in LEARNING state (before moving to FORWARDING).

Only relevant if STP is enabled. Valid values are between 2 and 30.

group_address?: string

Set the MAC address of the multicast group this bridge uses for STP. The address must be a link-local address in standard Ethernet MAC address format, ie an address of the form 01:80:C2:00:00:0X, with X in [0, 4..f].

group_fwd_mask?: number

Set the group forward mask.

This is the bitmask that is applied to decide whether to forward incoming frames destined to link-local addresses, ie addresses of the form 01:80:C2:00:00:0X (defaults to 0, ie the bridge does not forward any link-local frames).

hello_time?: number

Set the time in seconds between hello packets sent by the bridge, when it is a root bridge or a designated bridges.

Only relevant if STP is enabled. Valid values are between 1 and 10.

max_age?: number

Set the hello packet timeout, ie the time in seconds until another bridge in the spanning tree is assumed to be dead, after reception of its last hello message.

Only relevant if STP is enabled. Valid values are between 6 and 40.

mcast_hash_elasticity?: number

Set multicast database hash elasticity, ie the maximum chain length in the multicast hash table (defaults to 4).

mcast_hash_max?: number

Set maximum size of multicast hash table (defaults to 512, value must be a power of 2).

mcast_igmp_version?: IgmpVersions

Set the IGMP version.

mcast_last_member_count?: number

Set multicast last member count, ie the number of queries the bridge will send before stopping forwarding a multicast group after a "leave" message has been received (defaults to 2).

mcast_last_member_interval?: number

Interval between queries to find remaining members of a group, after a "leave" message is received.

mcast_membership_interval?: number

Delay after which the bridge will leave a group, if no membership reports for this group are received.

mcast_mld_version?: MldVersions

Set the MLD version.

mcast_querier?: EnableDisableToggle

Enable (MULTICAST_QUERIER > 0) or disable (MULTICAST_QUERIER == 0) IGMP querier, ie sending of multicast queries by the bridge (default: disabled).

mcast_querier_interval?: number

Interval between queries sent by other routers. if no queries are seen after this delay has passed, the bridge will start to send its own queries (as if mcast_querier was enabled).

mcast_query_interval?: number

Interval between queries sent by the bridge after the end of the startup phase.

mcast_query_response_interval?: number

Set the Max Response Time/Maximum Response Delay for IGMP/MLD queries sent by the bridge.

mcast_query_use_ifaddr?: EnableDisableToggle

Whether to use the bridge's own IP address as source address for IGMP queries (MCAST_QUERY_USE_IFADDR > 0) or the default of (MCAST_QUERY_USE_IFADDR == 0).

mcast_router?: MultiCastRouterOptions

Set bridge's multicast router if IGMP snooping is enabled.

MULTICAST_ROUTER is an integer value having the following meaning: 0 - disabled. 1 - automatic (queried). 2 - permanently enabled.

mcast_snooping?: EnableDisableToggle

Turn multicast snooping on (MULTICAST_SNOOPING > 0) or off (MULTICAST_SNOOPING == 0).

mcast_startup_query_count?: number

Set the number of IGMP queries to send during startup phase (defaults to 2).

mcast_startup_query_interval?: number

Interval between queries in the startup phase.

mcast_stats_enabled?: EnableDisableToggle

Enable (MCAST_STATS_ENABLED > 0) or disable (MCAST_STATS_ENABLED == 0) multicast (IGMP/MLD) stats accounting.

nf_call_arptables?: EnableDisableToggle

Enable (NF_CALL_ARPTABLES > 0) or disable (NF_CALL_ARPTABLES == 0) arptables hooks on the bridge.

nf_call_ip6tables?: EnableDisableToggle

Enable (NF_CALL_IP6TABLES > 0) or disable (NF_CALL_IP6TABLES == 0) ip6tables hooks on the bridge.

nf_call_iptables?: EnableDisableToggle

Enable (NF_CALL_IPTABLES > 0) or disable (NF_CALL_IPTABLES == 0) iptables hooks on the bridge.

priority?: number

Set this bridge's spanning tree priority, used during STP root bridge election.

PRIORITY is a 16bit unsigned integer.

Turn spanning tree protocol on (STP_STATE > 0) or off (STP_STATE == 0) for this bridge.

vlan_default_pvid?: number

Set the default PVID (native/untagged VLAN ID) for this bridge.

vlan_filtering?: EnableDisableToggle

Turn VLAN filtering on (VLAN_FILTERING > 0) or off (VLAN_FILTERING == 0).

When disabled, the bridge will not consider the VLAN tag when handling packets.

vlan_protocol?: VlanProtocols

Set the protocol used for VLAN filtering.

vlan_stats_enabled?: EnableDisableToggle

Enable (VLAN_STATS_ENABLED == 1) or disable (VLAN_STATS_ENABLED == 0) per-VLAN stats accounting.

vlan_stats_per_port?: EnableDisableToggle

Enable (VLAN_STATS_PER_PORT == 1) or disable (VLAN_STATS_PER_PORT == 0) per-VLAN per-port stats accounting.

Can be changed only when there are no port VLANs configured.

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