Interface AddLinkBareudpTypeArgs

Add link bare UDP type arguments.


  • AddLinkBareudpTypeArgs


dstport: number

Specifies the destination port for the UDP tunnel.

ethertype: string | number

Specifies the ethertype of the L3 protocol being tunnelled. ethertype can be given as plain Ethernet protocol number or using the protocol name ("ipv4", "ipv6", "mpls_uc", etc.).

TODO: Add an enum with all known protocols numbers and names?

multiproto?: boolean

Activates support for protocols similar to the one specified by ethertype. When ethertype is "mpls_uc" (that is, unicast MPLS), this allows the tunnel to also handle multicast MPLS.

When ethertype is "ipv4", this allows the tunnel to also handle IPv6. This option is disabled by default.

nomultiproto?: boolean
srcportmin?: number

Selects the lowest value of the UDP tunnel source port range.

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