Interface AddLinkGeneveTypeArgs

Add link geneve type arguments.


  • AddLinkGeneveTypeArgs


Specifies the usage of the Don't Fragment flag (DF) bit in outgoing packets with IPv4 headers.

The value inherit causes the bit to be copied from the original IP header. The values unset and set cause the bit to be always unset or always set, respectively.

By default, the bit is not set.

dstport?: number

Select a destination port other than the default of 6081.

external?: boolean

Make this tunnel externally controlled (or not, which is the default). This flag is mutually exclusive with the id, remote, ttl, tos and flowlabel options.

flowlabel?: number

Specifies the flow label to use in outgoing packets.

id: number

Specifies the Virtual Network Identifier to use.

noexternal?: boolean
noudp6zerocsumrx?: boolean
noudp6zerocsumtx?: boolean
noudpcsum?: boolean



remote: string

Specifies the unicast destination IP address to use in outgoing packets.

tos?: number

Specifies the TOS value to use in outgoing packets.

ttl?: string | number

Specifies the TTL value to use in outgoing packets. "0" or "auto" means use whatever default value, "inherit" means inherit the inner protocol's ttl.

Default option is "0".

udp6zerocsumrx?: boolean

Allow incoming UDP packets over IPv6 with zero checksum field.

udp6zerocsumtx?: boolean

Skip UDP checksum calculation for transmitted packets over IPv6.

udpcsum?: boolean

Specifies if UDP checksum is calculated for transmitted packets over IPv4.

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