Interface AddLinkMacsecTypeArgs

Add link macsec type arguments.


  • AddLinkMacsecTypeArgs


address?: string

Sets the system identifier component of secure channel for this MACsec device.

cipher?: string

Defines the cipher suite to use.

encodingsa?: number

Sets the active secure association for transmission.

encrypt?: OnOffToggle

Switches between authenticated encryption, or authenticity mode only.

end_station?: OnOffToggle

Sets the End Station bit.

icvlen?: number

Sets the length of the Integrity Check Value (ICV).

port?: number

Sets the port number component of secure channel for this MACsec device, in a range from 1 to 65535 inclusive.

Numbers with a leading " 0 " or " 0x " are interpreted as octal and hexadecimal, respectively.

protect?: OnOffToggle

Enables MACsec protection on the device.

replay?: OnOffToggle

Enables replay protection on the device.

Sets the Single Copy Broadcast bit.

sci?: string

Sets the secure channel identifier for this MACsec device. SCI is a 64bit wide number in hexadecimal format.

send_sci?: OnOffToggle

Specifies whether the SCI is included in every packet, or only when it is necessary.

Sets the validation mode on the device.

window?: number

Sets the size of the replay window.

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