Interface AddLinkCanTypeArgs

Add link can type arguments.


  • AddLinkCanTypeArgs


berr-reporting?: OnOffToggle

Enables bus error reporting. When enabled, the CAN interface will generate error messages in the system logs if bus errors are detected.

bitrate?: number

Sets the nominal speed of the CAN bus in bits per second for the arbitration phase.

dbitrate?: number

Sets the nominal speed for the data phase.



dphase-seg1?: number



dphase-seg2?: number



dprop-seg?: number



dsample-point?: number



dsjw?: number



dtq?: number



Enables or disables CAN FD support.

fd-non-iso?: OnOffToggle

Enables or disables non-ISO CAN FD support.

listen-only?: OnOffToggle

Sets the interface to listen-only mode where it will not send any messages.

loopback?: OnOffToggle

Enables the internal loopback mode of the CAN controller. In loopback mode, the CAN controller can send and receive messages internally without the need for an actual CAN network.

one-shot?: OnOffToggle

If enabled, this prevents the controller from automatically retrying to send a message upon an error.

phase-seg1?: number

Phase Buffer Segment 1. The first segment of the phase buffer, used to adjust the position of the sample point.

phase-seg2?: number

Phase Buffer Segment 2. The second segment of the phase buffer, also used for sample point adjustment.

presume-ack?: OnOffToggle

Assume that the acknowledgment for a transmitted frame is received, even if it is not actually received.

prop-seg?: number

Propagation Segment. The time segment needed to compensate for the physical delay of the signal.

restart?: boolean

Enables automatic restart of the CAN controller after a bus-off condition. A bus-off condition occurs when the CAN controller detects too many errors on the bus, causing it to disconnect from the network to prevent further disruptions. Enabling automatic restart allows the controller to attempt to rejoin the bus after a specified delay.

restart-ms?: number

Sets the automatic restart delay in milliseconds if the bus is in an error state.

sample-point?: number

Specifies the sampling point as a percentage. It defines at which point a bit should be sampled.

sjw?: number

Synchronization Jump Width. The maximum number of time quanta that the bit timing can be adjusted to compensate for oscillator drift.

tq?: number

Time Quantum. The smallest time unit for the CAN bit timing.

triple-sampling?: OnOffToggle

This enables or disables triple sampling for receiving.

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