Function flush

  • Flush protocol addresses.

    This command flushes the protocol addresses selected by some criteria.

    This command has the same arguments as show except that type and master selectors are not supported. Another difference is that it does not run when no arguments are given.

    Warning: This command and other flush commands are unforgiving. They will cruelly purge all the addresses.


    • options: AddressFlushOptions

      Parameters options to be passed down to ip.

    • globalOptions: GlobalOptions = {}

      Global parameters options that affects the command execution.

    Returns Promise<Command<AddressFlushOptions>>


    ParametersError - Throws when passed parameters are invalid.


    CommandError - Throws when the executed command fails.


    Import module

    import { address } from 'iproute';

    Flush eth0 addresses

    await address.flush({
    dev: 'eth0'

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